


延長賽關鍵一擊 阿根廷1比0擊敗瑞士

(中央社巴西聖保羅1日綜合外電報導)世界盃足球賽16強阿根廷對上瑞士的比賽,阿根廷的迪馬利亞(Angel di Maria)在延長賽踢進關鍵一球,幫助阿根廷以1比0擊敗瑞士,艱辛挺進8強。正規賽中,阿根廷控球率63%,有20次射門機會,其中有15次射正;瑞士則握有37%的控球率,有9次射門機會,其中有5次射正,阿根廷的攻擊力道明顯優於瑞士,可惜屢攻不下。正規賽兩隊以0比0踢平,進入延長賽後,雙方依舊陷入苦戰,直到比賽第118分鐘,阿根廷的迪馬利亞(Angel di Maria)接獲隊友梅西(Lionel Messi)的橫傳,起腳射門成功,幫助阿根廷首開紀錄,之後兩隊未再得分,阿根廷靠著這寶貴的一球,以1比0擊敗瑞士,艱辛挺進8強。1030702 Description Toggle View View View View View View View View View View View View View View View View View View View View View View View View View View View View View View 1 - 25 / 30 Argentina's Angel Di Maria celebrates with Lionel Messi (L) after scoring a goal during second half of the extra time in the 2014 World Cup round of 16 game between Argentina and Switzerland at the ... 較多Argentina's Angel Di Maria celebrates with Lionel Messi (L) after scoring a goal during second half of the extra time in the 2014 World Cup round of 16 game between Argentina and Switzerland at the Corinthians arena in Sao Paulo July 1, 2014. REUTERS/Eddie Keogh (BRAZIL - Tags: TPX IMAGES OF THE DAY SOCCER SPORT WORLD CUP) 較少 1 / 30 Reuters | 拍攝者 EDDIE KEOGH / REUTERS 2014年7月2日週三 台北標準時間上午2時37分 Share to Facebook Share to Twitter Share to Pinterest Close Previous imageNext image

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